Production Week

   As we slowly start to prepare to film or movie this week i would like to share my perspective throughout our movie process. I would like to think of myself as one of the directors, the other is Ashyla. Our actors are Kyle Mikes and Tyler Mikes (Kyle's brother) and last but not least the most important person is our editor, Matther Exavier. I say he is the most important because i can safely say without him the rest of the group would need serious help editing but lucky for us that is his favorite thing to do. My group and I decided to film our movie at Kyle's house, and we are eternally grateful towards him for offering his home because without it I'm not sure where we would find a suburban looking home for our movie. We did still run into complications however due to each of our schedules being different so just coming up with day to film was difficult. As high school seniors, we are very busy during the day and at night we need to be able to get enough sleep so filming at night was not an option since we needed it to be bright and sunny for our movie. I also work 5 days a week as well as other group members so we each had to take the same day off from school in order to film. Personally, the most difficult thing in my opinion would have to be actually filming the movie because there is so much, we have to remember that goes into a movie so that the viewers understand what exactly is going on. In conclusion, the whole process was an experience which only made me appreciate film even more than i already did. We put our all into our movie collectively as a group, we each did our part, and each part was done exceptionally in my opinion.  


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