Film Pitch Planning

 During class me and the other group members that will be doing the final film with me started a film pitch with the rest of our class. We, as a group, organized and came up with a film idea, pitched our concept for our movie to our classmates and they got to ask our group questions about our film to better understand the basis of it or to help us with some choices that were not yet made like where to film our movie. We were given feedback by other students in their production company, and they as well pitched their movie ideas to the class, and we all gave our feedback. Our movie pitch is somewhat a dark theme where a housewife living in the suburbs tries and successfully poisons her abusive husband in order to get rid of him for good. It will be taking place at a quaint little home in the suburbs, the home of one of our group members. The feedback we were given was that we need to work our plot as well as establish proper shots to emphasize the meaning of our film. 


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