
Showing posts from 2022

Critical Reflection

 Final blog post and critical reflection

Final Draft

This is the final edited and cut down draft of our film opening The Suburbs. 

During Production Update

Hello blog, I feel that updating everyone on how filming is going will help our movie get out there and get known. During production week, we were probably very stressed but also having fun at the same time. We all underestimated how difficult it would actually be in creating a movie, so we tried our best with what we were given. Luckily Kyle strangely had a maid/housewife stored for this very special role he is playing, and it looked perfect. Ashyla and I had a blast directing, telling Kyle where to walk and what to do to make a scene look good. It was also fun getting his older brother to be a part of this for us because with him being out of high school already it was convenient for him to be the one to drive the car so he could "crash". I will say we hit a rocky bump in the road when we at first could not find someone to be the "husband" in this scenario but ultimately, we found a reliable person for the job and everything worked out pretty well. 

First Draft

  This is our First Draft for our opening film The Suburbs, we felt that there was still plenty to be done not just in editing but time wise as well. We are aware that in this first draft we ended with 2:07 which is why we focused on getting the time right while still being able to include every important detail. 

Behind the scenes part 5

 Behind the scenes of the making of the Suburbs.  The making the of the poisonous baked goods.

-Behind the Scenes Part 4

  Behind the scenes of the making of the Suburbs. 

Behind the Scenes Part 3

 Behind the scenes bloopers on a fun day with the filming crew.   

Behind the Scenes Part 2

 While taking out and putting in different props we also took the liberty to make our own fake home-made poison for our film opening. It was very fun to add our own little touches to our film to really make it like we actually produced it. We enjoyed every moment doing this fun activity together as a group, definitely wonderful memories.  

Behind the Scenes Part 1

 This was day 1 of filming "The Housewife" on set at Kyle's house. On day 1 we realized just how much goes into making a set and getting props out of the way or putting in what looks good. For the first 45 minutes we were trying to move the light around to give us better lighting, we were also taking props out that didn't look like it was from the 50's, for example Kyle had a nutri bullet blender sitting on his counter and obviously that was not invented yet, so it had to be removed from set. 

Script outline part 2

 This is part 2 of our script outline for our film opening. It is just the basis of the actions taking place at the time and gives the viewers a sense of what is happening at this point in our film. 

Script Outline Part 1

 This is part 1 of our script for our film opening. Kyle and Ashyla took the responsibility of organizing the basis of our script just to understand what is initially happening. They spoke about how it was different having to come up with a script outline with no dialogue but having movement and context still able to be shown. When Kyle first pitched the housewife prompt, we as a group felt it lacked something so as a group, we helped each other come up with better dialogue and a more detailed script outline for our film opening. 

Production Week

   As we slowly start to prepare to film or movie this week i would like to share my perspective throughout our movie process. I would like to think of myself as one of the directors, the other is Ashyla. Our actors are Kyle Mikes and Tyler Mikes (Kyle's brother) and last but not least the most important person is our editor, Matther Exavier. I say he is the most important because i can safely say without him the rest of the group would need serious help editing but lucky for us that is his favorite thing to do. My group and I decided to film our movie at Kyle's house, and we are eternally grateful towards him for offering his home because without it I'm not sure where we would find a suburban looking home for our movie. We did still run into complications however due to each of our schedules being different so just coming up with day to film was difficult. As high school seniors, we are very busy during the day and at night we need to be able to get enough sleep so filming

Film Pitch Planning

 During class me and the other group members that will be doing the final film with me started a film pitch with the rest of our class. We, as a group, organized and came up with a film idea, pitched our concept for our movie to our classmates and they got to ask our group questions about our film to better understand the basis of it or to help us with some choices that were not yet made like where to film our movie. We were given feedback by other students in their production company, and they as well pitched their movie ideas to the class, and we all gave our feedback. Our movie pitch is somewhat a dark theme where a housewife living in the suburbs tries and successfully poisons her abusive husband in order to get rid of him for good. It will be taking place at a quaint little home in the suburbs, the home of one of our group members. The feedback we were given was that we need to work our plot as well as establish proper shots to emphasize the meaning of our film. 

Camera Work

 What is camera work and movement and why are these techniques important. During class i learned that camera work the elements and angles used while creating a film to give meaning towards it. In order to create a film properly, to be able to convey a message towards the viewer the director needs to understand the basis and foundation of film which is camera work. Plenty goes into deciding what angles to use and how to frame certain scenes, where to place the actors and props. Camera work is the center of film without its viewer's wouldn't be able to understand the general meaning of every film.  this photo was from a source titled Camera Work: The complete image collection: Alfred Stieglitz

Midterm Analysis of Codes section 6-7

 Lastly, for our midterm we ended our analysis in section 6-7 by simply citing our references and grading our own work. My group and I felt that it would help to blog our references and our our graded work to show that our sources are credible, and our work was done right. It helps us understand what exactly Cambridge would be looking for in our blogs as well as our classwork.   

Midterm film Analysis of Codes section 4-5

 For sections 4-5 of our midterm, we analyzed the movie "Us" and identified the films codes and the deeper meanings behind them and how they contribute to the the viewers feelings as well as the movie as a whole. In section 4 we discuss the different angles and meaning of those angles and how they affect the emotion of the film or the concept. In section 5 we discuss camera work and how they capture certain moments from the film, we analyze and break down some scenes from the movie.   

Midterm film Analysis of Codes section 2-3

 In sections 2-3 of our midterm, we as a group had to analyze the movie "Us" and identify the varying film codes and what they mean and why this director chose to use them. Throughout section 2-3 we now look at the film codes and what meaning they convey to the viewer as well as the movie as a whole. 

Midterm film Analysis of Codes section 1

For my film group and I's midterm we decided to analyze the movie "Us" and point out the identified film codes and what they mean and how they contribute to the film in general. In the first couple of slides of our presentation we discuss the general basis of the film to have a better understanding of the plot and why certain film choices were made to make the movie as great as it is.  

Composition in Film Storyboard

  -Storyboard done in class along with classmates Composition: the way the visual elements of a scene are arranged in relation to each other in a camera frame.  My classmates and I were tasked with making a storyboard that accurately depicts the compositions and techniques we were given. We had to go around our school and capture the shots we wanted to use. My groupmates and I even chose to use some of our fellow students as actors and actresses. My composition category was blocking and within that category is 2 techniques called shapes and leading lines. Blocking is the precise staging of actors in a performance and Leading lines is using elements within your environment to create a visual pathway to the subject or focal point. I demonstrated this by simply asking my friend to walk down our school's courtyard by herself to signify the lonely feeling I wanted the viewer to feel. For shapes in order to demonstrate this technique I had my friends simply walk down our school's hal

Types of Media forms

Media studies has many different parts to it, since you are analyzing many different versions of media from film to print media. Some forms are: - Broadcast Media : The electronic transmission and distribution of radio and television signals intended for general public reception. Can be used for entertainment, information, educational programming, advertising and other features to a variety of audiences. - Print Media : traditional mass media products published on paper and are important sources of information. Can be used to advertise any idea \ - Gaming Media : electronic media that involves the interaction with a user interface or input device, such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing devices. Gaming media are defined based on their platform, which include arcade games, console games, PC games and most recently mobile gaming through smartphones and tablet computers, and remote cloud gaming.  - Outdoor Media : Billboards, digital billboards, street signs, roads, hi

Welcome to Media Studies

  Hello Cambridge, welcome to my Media Studies Blog! On my blog I’ll be discussing my journey through Media Studies, going through most of my assignments and projects and debuting My and my groups final product of our movie. Media is a great class and an important one at that because media is all around us, everywhere we turn there is different types of media coursing through the air. Why Media studies some may ask, and it’s because I love film! Movies or tv shows or music videos give so much feeling with just a look. My favorite film right now is the tv show Bridgerton.